
Previous students at Imperial College London

Personal research website of Dr Valentin Heller

· Mr Matthew Cobbold, MEng student, Far-field numerical modelling of subaerial landslide-tsunamis using FUNWAVE-TVD, 02.2014 - 07.2014

· Mr Zekai (Peter) Bi, MSc student, An experimental investigation of scale effects of vortex structures in shallow water, 03.2013 - 08.2013 (co-supervised by Dr. J. Spinneken)

· Mr Mark Bruggemann, MEng student, Composite modelling of the influence of geometry on landslide generated impulse waves, 01.2012 - 06.2012 (co-supervised by Dr J. Spinneken)

· Mr Thibaut Desguers, Internship student from Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Cachan, An experimental investigation of scale effects in vortex structures, 03.2012 - 07.2012 (co-supervised by Dr. J. Spinneken)

Previous students at the University of Southampton

Talented, enthusiastic and motivated students with good marks are more than welcome to apply (contact Dr Heller).

· Mr Rorik Adams, MSc  student, Modelling of landslide generated tsunamis with SPH, SCEE, 06.2010 - 09.2010

· Miss Mahtab Moalemi, MSc project, The effect of the geometry on landslide generated tsunamis, SCEE, 02. - 06.2010

· Mr Robert Kinnear, MSc student, The effect of reservoir geometry on landslide generated impulse waves, SCEE, 06. - 10.2009

Previous student at ETH Zurich

· Mr Remo Steiner, MSc student, Alternative Geometrie für Skisprünge [An alternative geometry for ski jumps], VAW, 10.2006 - 01.2007 (co-supervised by Prof. Dr. W.H. Hager)

Available projects

Funding opportunities for exceptional home and international PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers are available on a competitive basis. These opportunities include:

Research team

Dr Matthew Kesseler, PhD student, Laboratory-numerical investigation of scale effects in granular slides, start October 2015 (graduated)

Current modules

· CIVE3063: Hydraulic Design and Experiments (Spring Semester), contributor

· CIVE1005: Convenor of workshop Technical Writing F1 (Autumn/Spring Semester)

· CIVE2043: Convenor of workshops Testing of Fundamental Material Properties H5 and Health & Safety, Security and CDM D5 (Spring Semester)

· CIVE1004: Group Project (contributor)

· CIVE4021: MEng Group Design Project (Spring Semester), contributor (Fig. 2)

· CIVE4008: MEng Investigative Project (Spring Semester), contributor

· CIVE3015: BEng Individual Investigative Project (Autumn Semester), contributor

· CIVE4009: MSc Civil Engineering Research Project (Spring Semester, contributor)

· CIVE4102: MSc Research Methods and Project Proposal (Spring Semester, contributor)

· Engineering Project (ENGFF043), contributor

· Landslide-tsunamis

· Wave and tidal energy conversion

· Fluid-structure interaction

· Scale effects in fluids and granular flows

· Machine Learning (ANN) in hydraulics

Previous MEng, BEng and other students

· Miss Charlotte Westbrook, MEng student, Numerical modelling of a glacial lake outburst flood, 02. - 04.2024

· Mr Hari Puvanasvaran, MEng student, A novel analysis technique for landslide-tsunamis, 02. - 04.2024

· Mr Ilya Zverev, Machine learning applied to landslide-tsunamis, 02. - 04.2024

· Mr Jack Stanton, BEng student, Scale effects in granular slides, 10. - 12.2023

· Mr Suhaash Pirapagaren, BEng student, Numerical modelling of glacial lack outburst flood, 10. - 12.2023

· Mr Kelvin Ping Han Chua, MEng student, A novel 3D analysis technique for landslide-tsunamis, 02. - 04.2023

· Mr Yu Siong Ling, MEng student, Towards the experimental validation of novel scaling laws, 01.2023 - 05.2023

· Mr William James Pettifor, MEng student, Numerical investigation of energy dissipation in wave breaking through air compression, 02. - 04.2023

· Mr Joon Zhi Wee, MEng student, Scale effects in debris flows, 01.2023 - 05.2023

· Mr Darkhan Sheldebayev, BEng student, Experimental investigation of a vertical plunging jet, 09.2022 - 01.2023

· Miss Cai Yang, BEng student, Classification of water body geometries for landslide-tsunami prediction, 09.2022 - 01.2023

· Miss Francine Amy Capon, MEng student, A novel analysis technique for landslide-tsunamis. 02. - 04.2022

· Mr Runda Zhao, BEng student, Prediction of landslide-tsunamis with a hazard assessment method, 09.2021 - 01.2022

· Mr Jingwei Tan, MSc student, Investigation of wave loading on horizontal flexible plates, 02. - 09.2022

· Mr Patrick Toone, MEng student, Numerical prediction of landslide-tsunamis in reservoirs, 02. - 04.2021

· Miss Rebecca Laurel, MEng student, Numerical and empirical prediction of sediment transport with focus on Lolo Creek, 02. - 04.2021

· Miss Emma Williams, BEng student, The effect of Coronavirus on air pollution and climate change, 09. - 12.2020

· Mr Jagdeep Singh Powar, BEng student, Classification of water body geometries for landslide-tsunami prediction, 09. - 12.2020

· Mr Zhiwen Chen, MSc student, Numerical modelling of the effect of converging reservoir geometries on landslide-tsunamis, 02. - 09.2020

· Miss Cecile Mauroux, MSc student, Numerical modelling of plastic bottles in waves, 02. - 09.2020

· Mr Wesley Beaver, BEng student, Laboratory modelling of plastic bottles in water waves, 09. - 12.2019

· Mr Sangchu Quan, BEng student, Numerical modelling of iceberg-tsunamis, 09. - 12.2019

· Mr Jamie Nicholson, MEng student, Numerical prediction of landslide-generated impulse waves in nature, 02. - 04.2020

· Miss Annabel Murley, MEng student, The effect of the sediment content on tsunami impact forces, 02. - 04.2019

· Mr Tommaso Attili, MSc  exchange student from the University of Pisa, Analysis of iceberg-tsunamis from large-scale experiments, 10.2018 - 03.2019

· Mr Daniel Fox, BEng student, Analysis of iceberg-tsunamis from large-scale experiments, 10. - 12.2018

· Mr Yifeng Zheng, BEng student, The effect of the bathymetry on landslide-tsunamis, 10. - 12.2018

· Mr Zijian Zheng, BEng student, Shallow-water vortices, 10. - 12.2018

· Mr Ben Brown, MEng student, Air pollution dispersion modelling, 10.2017-05.2018

· Mr Ming Kwong Chung, MEng student, Acoustic fluidisation in granular flows, 10.2017-05.2018

· Mr Ewan Sloan, MEng student, Laboratory investigation of scale effects in broad-crested weirs, 01.2018 - 05.2018

· Miss Ziyuan Chen, BEng student, Effect of vegetation on flow structure in a laboratory flume, 10.2017-12.2017

· Mr Seerone Kandasamy, BEng student, Why is a turbine dragged behind a boat an inefficient energy source?, 10.2017-12.2017

· Miss Jiaqi Liu, BEng student, Comparison of different methods for air pollution dispersion modelling, 10.2017-12.2017

· Mr Youssef Socolovsky, BEng student, An investigation on the hydrodynamics of rising bubbles in a water column, 10.2017-12.2017

· Mr Greg Nichols, MEng student, Numerical investigation of wave forces on rigid and flexible plates calibrated and validated with existing laboratory data, 10.2016 - 05.2017

· Mr Samuel Hammond, BEng student, Experimental investigation of the 2007 rock and ice avalanche at Mount Steele, 10.2016 - 05.2017

· Mr Jiazhang Liu, BEng student, Case study of landslide-tsunamis at Es Verdà by using the SPH numerical method, 10.2016 - 05.2017

· Miss Ramandeep Kaur, N-SERP student from the University of Brighton, Modelling of tsunamis generated by ice calving with OpenFOAM, 06.2016 - 07.2016

· Mr Stefan Holenstein, MSc student from ETH Zurich, Feasibility study of a cost efficient multi-purpose wave flume, 02.2016 - 06.2016

· Mr Samuel Bell, MSci student in 4th year, Experiments in tidal flow streams, 10.2015 - 05.2016

· Mr Matthew Urquhart, MEng student in 4th year, The UK’s wind power: Exploring the future for offshore and onshore potential, 10.2015 - 05.2016

· Mr Baldev Virdee, BSc student in 3rd year, An investigation into hydropower as a reliable source of clean energy and whether implementation of a hydropower plant along Afon Anafon will be beneficial, 10.2015 - 05.2016

· Mr Sheng Yang, BEng student in 3rd year, Hazards of surface impulse waves generated by ice calving, 10.2015 - 05.2016

· Mr Ewan Sloan, BEng student in 2nd year, Landslide-tsunami modelling with DualSPHysics, 06.2015 - 08.2015 (Engineering Research Placements project)

Dr Fan Chen, PhD student, Experimental and numerical investigation of tsunamis generated by ice calving, start October 2016 (graduated)

Fig. 3. Ewan won the Impact runner up poster award at the ERPs celebration event, congratulations!


· Miss Rosemary Anne Thurling, MEng student in 4th year, Measurement of bridge afflux and backwater, 01.2015 - 04.2015

· Mr Manthan Bharatlal, BEng student in 3rd year, Urban drainage system stormwater sewer, 01.2015 - 05.2015

· Mr Daniel Mawdsley, BSc student in 3rd year, Flow velocity measurement with a Valeport velocity meter in the lab and in nature, 01.2015 - 05.2015

Dr Gioele Ruffini, PhD student, Numerical characterisation of landslide-tsunamis in idealised and real water bodies, start December 2016 (graduated)

Last modified: 03.01.2025

Please contact Dr Heller several months in advance of an upcoming deadline. Generally, I am interested in postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and exchange students in the fields of:

· Nottingham Research Fellowship:  Nottingham Research Fellowship

· Research Fellowship: Marie Sklodowska-Currie Actions Fellowship

· Research Fellowship: Mid-Career Fellowships of the British Academy

· Research Fellowship: Newton International Fellowships

· Research Fellowship: Royal Commission for the Exhibition 1851

· Research Fellowship: Schlumberger Faculty for the Future General

· Postdoctoral position: The latest Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) opportunities are available here

· PhD studentship: General overview of PhD funding opportunities at UoN

· PhD studentship: Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence PhD Scholarship

· PhD studentship: Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Research Excellence (EU)

· PhD studentship: Chinese Scholarship Council Research Excellence Scholarship

· PhD studentship: Commonwealth Fellowship for PhD study

· PhD studentship: Your own country may offer further funding schema to go abroad

· PhD exchange studentship: Visit the University of Nottingham and we aim to write a peer-review article together, similarly as with Mr Hai Tan (Tan et al. 2018)

· MSc students: Exchange MSc students are welcome as well

· Gioele represented the GEP research group in the final of the Engineering Research Showcase 2017 (1st year students) and 2018 (2nd year student) and won a Graduate School Travel Price to attend the 38th IAHR World Congress, congratulations!

· Matthew won the runner up price for the best paper lead by a postdoc at the Engineering Research Showcase 2020 and the Best Poster Award at the Link17 student-lead conference in 2017, congratulations!

· Fan won a highly competitive China Scholarship Council Research Excellence Scholarships to fund his PhD, the 2nd prize for the Best Poster at the Link18 student-lead conference in 2018 and a Graduate School Travel Price to attend the 38th IAHR World Congress, congratulations!

Dr Hai Tan, PhD student at Wuhan University, academic visitor for 6 months, Numerical modelling of rigid landslides and the generated waves based on a coupled DEM-SPH approach, start December 2017 (graduated)

Fig. 1. Group picture in front of the Coates Building in November 2019: From left to right: Gioele Ruffini, Valentin Heller, Matthew Kesseler, Daniele Catucci, Fan Chen, Muhammad Awais Zaman and Tommaso Atilli


Current MSc, MEng and BEng students

· Mr Aidan Bennett, BEng student, Landslide-tsunami characterisation based on the kinetic slide energy, 09. - 12.2024

· Mr Daniel Evans, MEng student, Numerical modelling of a glacial lake outburst flood, 02. - 04.2025

· Mr Mohammad Hussainy, BEng student, Prediction of landslide-tsunamis with a hazard assessment method, 09. - 12.2024

Dr Daniele Catucci, PhD student, Analytical derivation and numerical validation of novel scaling laws for air-water flows, start October 2018 (lead supervisor Dr Riccardo Briganti) (awaiting graduation)

· Daniele was awarded one of the prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Research Excellence, congratulations!

Mr Muhammad Awais Zaman, MPhil student, Prediction of flooding caused by landslide-generated impulse waves in Pakistani lakes and reservoirs, start October 2019

· Muhammad was awarded one of the highly competitive Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Scholarships, congratulations!

Dr Tommaso Attili, PhD student, Numerical-laboratory modelling of waves interacting with dams and rigid/flexible plates, start October 2019 (final version submitted)

· Tommaso was awarded one of the highly competitive Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Research Excellence, congratulations!

Former/Graduated PhD students

Mr David Gwillym Jenkins, PhD student, Revolutionising landslide-tsunami prediction with advanced machine learning techniques, start June 2020 (lead supervisor Dr Archontis Giannakidis, Nottingham Trent University)

· David secured a 5 year research-teaching PhD position at Nottingham Trent University on a competitive basis, congratulations!

1st job after the PhD study: Postdoc at Sapienza University of Rome

1st job after the PhD study: PremTech

1st job after the PhD study: Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research

1st job after the PhD study: Postdoc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dr Sazeda Begam, Research Fellow, ENSURE: Experimental and Numerical insight into Scale effects in granUlaR slides in the mountainous Environment, start Summer 2021

· Sazeda was awarded one of the highly competitive Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships, congratulations!

Dr Jizhixian Liu, PhD student at China University of Geosciences, academic visitor for 1 year, Numerical investigation of the effect of the mass movement type on landslide-tsunamis, start April 2021

· Jizhixian’s exchange year is funded by the China Scholarship Council, congratulations!

Dr Ben Constance, Research Fellow, Paradigm shift of landslide-tsunami characterisation and prediction, start July 2021

· Ben is working on a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant

Mr Zhiwen Chen, PhD student, Effect of converging reservoir geometry on landslide-tsunamis, start October 2021

· Zhiwen successfully completed an MSc in Civil Engineering at the UoN and we are very pleased that he stayed on to do a PhD study.

1st job after the PhD study: Hydraulics position at Services for Real Estates, Milan

Fig. 2. Year 4 student group working on the “Marine Renewables Test Centre” within CIVE4021 in front of their poster at the celebration event

1st job after the PhD study: Engineer in the Coasts and Oceans group at HR Wallingford

1st job after the PhD study: Lecturer at Hubei Engineering University

Former Research Fellows

Mr Dominic Shaw, PhD student, Multi-scale probabilistic modelling of storm wave impacts on coastal railway structures, start October 2024 (lead supervisor Dr Mohammad Heidarzadeh, University of Bath)

· Dominic secured a 3 years University Research Studentship Award (URSA) PhD position at University of Bath, congratulations!